Project Description

The emerging Better Practice Guide Initiative – a “Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being” Cluster initiative

The Better Practice Guide Initiative is a new fresh-thinking approach that gives an organisation an alternative pre-standardisation route.

Better Practice Guides (BPGs) are entities in their own right. Individual BPGs do not necessarily need to evolve to a full standard. The BPG’s are in the hands of the Users and has the purpose to meet their needs. A flexible approach is applied. Existing BPGs reside at repository. Each BPG is freely available for use and referenced completely at the discretion of the User. Without the BPG route, it is clear that many organisations may never venture into the development of documents of this nature. BPG’s, however, empowers them and at low cost. It is they, who manage and evolve the BPG document. The development of a BPG document is produced in a manner that works best for them and their operations. It applies the fundamental principles of “in practice or actuality, but not officially established” as a standard and is applied at Users’ discretion. That is the ethos of the BPG initiative. In this way, it is anticipated that more organisations will take up the Better Practice Guide route having the flexibility to produce the document that works for them without much rigor and high cost.

Release date: June 2022

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